Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Baby Bella Mushroom Sauce

My friend Kelley called me last week and invited us over for dinner. I told her we would love to come. Then she said "I don't really know what to fix though, you know, since you guys stopped eating meat".

Oh yeah. I kind of forgot about that whole thing. I mean, we HAVE only been vegetarians for about two weeks, and at that point it was only a week and a half, so I guess I haven't been thinking of us as vegetarians for enough days to make it a habit yet.

I told her we would be happy to eat spaghetti with sauce, minus the meat. We could bring a salad. (We are much more interested in visiting, than the actual food anyway).

When we showed up Saturday, I brought that salad (and even remembered that Kelley did not like raw onions, so I used green onions instead). Michael did chop up some mushrooms for the salad, and I asked Kelley if she liked mushrooms. She said she did, and that she liked to saute them in butter with some garlic. Now, I love me some mushrooms, and that sounded a-m-a-z-i-n-g to me, so Monday I concocted this little treat.

If you like mushrooms, you will LOVE this.

Baby Bella Mushroom Sauce
Two Handfuls of Baby Bella Mushrooms (or other small mushroom), chopped
As much minced garlic as you like
Several tablespoons of butter
Two Tablespoons Whole Wheat Flour
1 cup of milk
Pecorino Romano cheese (or Parm, whatever you have on hand)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Yellow Pepper
Serve with Whole Wheat Pasta (I like Rotini)

Saute the mushrooms and garlic in butter for a few minutes. Add flour, and cook a few more minutes to eliminate the flour taste. Slowly add milk, and stir until thick and creamy. Add cheese and stir a few minutes more. Toss with the cooked pasta, and top with some chives and chunks of yellow pepper. Enjoy!


  1. I love mushrooms! But my family does not:(

  2. My husband might like this...but you know I don't do mushrooms:(

  3. Christina, My kids don't like them either, but if you chop them up small enough, they won't even notice. A couple of them even found they DID like mushrooms after they were sauteed, they just don't like raw mushrooms. Also, the ones who are really picky just picked them out and put them on someone else's plate!
